Monday 13 June 2011

Goat & Goat Breeds

At Kishan Farms we strive to breed healthy correct Boer goats. We are located in Bagar, Dist. Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan). Our genetics include Sirohi, Usmanabadi, Jamunapari, Barbari, Sangamneri, Gaddi & Chigu. We have full-blood and percentage Boer goats. We have kids for sale and adult animals also. Please contact us with any questions or comments.

Jersey Cow

Our Cows
It's all about the COWS

The Gothwal family have owned and operated Cow Farm. These American Jersey herd, bred for superior milk production.The Jersey cow is highly sought by dairy farmers seeking to improve their herds. The family continues the same dedication to the integrity and quality of the herd's breeding.

Our Kishan Farms cows feed off fresh grass in the summer months, and almost all of their winter feed comes straight from our corn and hay fields. We don't use genetically modified seeds and avoid harmful pesticides. There are never any animal by-products in our feed. This assures that our milk is an all-natural, artificial hormone-free product.

And our cows are milked only twice a day. Because we take such a good care of our herd, our cows have a life expectancy that is twice that of many other dairy farms. As we like to put it, we have Jersey Cows, not milk machines. And perhaps we are prejudiced, but we believe the Jersey cow has the most beautiful, doe-like face of the entire bovine kingdom. We have kids and adult animals for sale. Please contact us with any questions or comments.


Buffalo milk is a totally natural product that can be consumed like any other milk. Time after time participants in tasting trials pick out buffalo milk in preference to cows, goats and artificially manufactured milks. They just love the taste.

We have the Murrah Species of Indian Buffalo. Murrah breed of buffalo, the pride of Haryana, is a milk type animal. The Murrah buffalo is good milk producer, not only in India but also probably in the world. It is originally from Punjab and Haryana states of India and Punjab state of Pakistan, but has been used to improve the milk production of dairy buffalo in other countries, such as Italy, Bulgaria and Egypt. In Italy, it is the basis of Mozzarella cheese production, and therefore Italian Pizza. By Italian law, Mozzarella may only be made from buffalo milk, which is preferred for its very high butterfat content.The bulls of this breed are extensively used to upgrade the non-descript buffalo stock. We have kids and adult animals for sale. Please contact us with any questions or comments.